
Just like in interior design, small changes can have a major impact on the environment!

More and more homeowners are shifting their priorities and looking for ways to protect Mother Nature. By incorporating sustainable building materials, making the switch to energy-efficient appliances, and making it easy to adopt eco-friendly habits, you can create a home that helps the earth more than harms it.

Ready to dive in? Read on for a comprehensive list of eco-friendly kitchen design tips that will stand the test of time.

Use Recycled or Sustainable Building Materials

Whether you’re renovating an existing kitchen or designing one from scratch, choose to use eco-friendly materials wherever you can.

Here are a few eco-friendly building materials you could choose:

We know it can be tricky to juggle your budget and conscience. If you can’t afford the most renewable or eco-friendly option, why not look at reusing what you already have? Revamp old cabinets with a lick of paint and some new hardware to give your kitchen an entirely different vibe!

2. Design Without the Influence of Trends

Many homeowners make the mistake of designing a room around a current trend, only to hate it a few years later and renovate from the ground up.

Not only are renovations expensive, but they are also resource-heavy jobs that can place strain on the environment. By designing a timeless kitchen, you reduce the need for full-scale renovations in the future.

Trends are fun to incorporate into your design, but only if the foundation of the space remains timeless and versatile. Before making a bold design choice, ask yourself whether you would’ve made the same choice a year ago. If the answer is yes, ask yourself if you would’ve made the same choice five years ago.

Don’t become disheartened if you realize you like a trendy idea! You can easily incorporate an idea into your design without making it inflexible. For example, you could purchase colorful covers for your bar stools instead of buying new ones. Or, you could create a textured accent wall with removable wallpaper rather than repainting the entire kitchen.

3. Consider Free-Standing Rather Than Fitted Pieces

When remodeling a kitchen, it’s important to consider its long-term functionality. As you and your family grow and evolve, your needs are likely to change. If only your kitchen could change with them…

Using free-standing appliances, tables, and kitchen seating gives you some layout flexibility. It makes it easy to incorporate new pieces without first needing to rip out other items to make space. It also simplifies any repair and replacement processes.

Always Choose the Low-maintenance Option

If you’re struggling to decide between two design options, we have a rule of thumb for you: always choose the low-maintenance option.

Choose the flooring that’s easy to clean, because it won’t require harsh and damaging chemicals to look new again. Choose the durable furniture that will last for years and never need replacing.

When items are low maintenance, they put less strain on resources. This reduces the need for excess production and lowers the carbon emissions from factories.

5. Carve Out Spaces for Recycling and Composting

It’s not every day that you get the chance to design a kitchen from scratch. So when it happens, take full advantage of the situation!

When working with CK Contracting, you can decide to include spaces in your layout that are dedicated to recycling, composting, or any other eco-friendly habit you want to prioritize. By getting creative with kitchen storage, you can make the most of every inch of available space and include sustainability in the design. The layout will make it easy for you to implement the helpful habits you hope to establish.

6. Make the Switch to Energy-Efficient Bulbs and Appliances

Switching to energy-efficient bulbs and appliances helps to reduce your carbon footprint every month. LED light bulbs use up to 85 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. Reducing the power you use is a great way to protect the planet since the majority of power produced in the USA requires the burning of fossil fuels.

On top of the environmental benefits, energy-efficient bulbs and appliances also decrease your monthly energy bill and last for longer than other types of bulbs.

7. Decorate With Native Plants

Native plants provide nectar and pollen for bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and even bats. They also shelter and provide food for birds, small mammals, and other forms of wildlife. Plants also improve air quality by boosting oxygen levels and helping to clear the air of pollutants.

There are many plants native to Charleston, SC that would make beautiful additions to your eco-friendly kitchen. You can grow native plants inside until the roots are strong and established, and then plant it outside for the native wildlife to enjoy.

8. Choose to Use Plastic-Free Paint

Most traditional paints use microplastics as their binding agents. Microplastics are almost impossible to detect with the naked eye and cause extensive damage to the environment. When ingested, microplastics harm wildlife by disrupting their reproductive systems, diminishing their appetite, stunting their growth, causing tissue inflammation, and damaging their livers. These traditional paints also create a plastic barrier on your walls, preventing air and moisture from moving through the wall. If any moisture gets inside the wall, you can end up with extensive mold and mildew problems.

Plastic-free paints use clay, renewable natural oil, lime, or milk protein as their binder. These allow your wall to breathe, which helps to reduce your chances of mold buildup. By using plastic-free paint in your kitchen, you also protect the environment from exposure to more microplastics.

Design Your Eco-Friendly Kitchen in Charleston, SC

As you can see, looking after the environment doesn’t have to be difficult. Small design elements and simple switches come together to leave a big impact.

If you’re looking for a general contractor in Charleston, SC, you’re in luck! Here at CK Contracting, we have extensive experience in beautifying and optimizing local homes.

Learn more about CK Contracting and start designing the eco-friendly kitchen of your dreams

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